This is used as a time for the random goings on in my life right now. So bare with me. Im gonna make a point at the end. Or at least I am going to try to make a point.
First thing I feel as if I need to get off my chest, the first 3 episodes of Chuck's 3rd season was nothing short of amazing. Im so pumped for the 4th episode this Monday. This show is absolutely fantastic. How many times do I have to say it? As many as needed to get the point across. Awesome! Got it?
Now on to NBC. The same network that airs Chuck (which also canceled Chuck before the fans spoke out, see the below blog) has decided that the experiment with having Jay Leno at a 10/9 ct time slot with his show is just not working out. So NBC, in their infinite wisdom, has decided to move his show back to 11:35/10:35 ct and moving the tonight show to after midnight. WTF? Then it would not be the tonight show. It would be the morning show. This is dumb. Apparently, Leno has already signed a new deal and he is moving back. But Conan is not happy. In fact he said that if it goes through, he will not continue on with the Tonight Show. Can't say that I blame him. Leno passed on the torch and now he is trying to come back to reclaim his old position. This is why NBC is a laughing stock. Tremendous support has been shown with with everyone taking jabs at them. Especially Conan. Jimmy Kimmel has taken many stabs at Leno, but I secretly think he is just doing it to get ratings. His show is on against the last half hour of Conan's. Anyway, a friend told me last night that Conan's last taping is going to be next Friday. B/S! NBC is going to loose big on this one. That is my prediction.
Is it Monday yet? Im ready for Chuck.
The wrestling world has somewhat been turned upside down, or at least the start of the turning upside is upon us. TNA is trying to go to war with WWE. They got guts. I still think its a smart business decision, being that I have a degree in business (or will in May). TNA has been putting on show for over 7 years. They needed to take that shot. Timing was pretty good for this I think. They just needed to do it right. Bringing in Hogan to fight with them is the perfect way to do it. I don't know that I like everything going on storyline wise there just yet, but only time can change my mind. With the Genesis ppv this weekend, things should really to start unfolding nicely. Let's all hope so. A wrestling war is going to make not just TNA better, but WWE as well. Seeing how WWE is going to be starting the setup for Wrestlemania with the Royal Rumble coming up at the end of the month. Only time will tell how this goes. I for am still excited to see how things go.
NFL playoffs are in the second week this weekend. Last weekend was pretty much a blowout week. I mean 3 of the 4 games were blowouts. Biggest shocker of a blowout was the Baltimore Ravens blowing out the New England Patriots. WOW! I mean who saw that coming? It was pretty great for me though, as I am a Ravens fan. Only non-blowout game was the Cardinals @ the Packers last week. This game was an offensive battle. The defenses for both teams pretty much sucked it up. I mean think about it, either 91 or 96 points scored all together. Can't remember. Cars win, with a lot of luck, and I do mean A LOT of luck, in overtime. Jets wins as well as the Cowboys. Cowboys was no shocker to me, but now people are putting to much stock in them I think. They are good, but not that good.
This week's games are as follows:
Cardinals @ Saints
Ravens @ Colts
Cowboys @ Vikings
Jets @ Chargers
So this week's games look really good on paper. Ravens definitely have the best shot of knocking out a top seeded team. Ravens did it last year. They also have a very good record on the road in the playoffs. Plus coming off that game last week and the fact that the Colts starters haven't played in a game in a month, this could be a disappointing weekend for all Colts fans. Sorry Shyne, but these things happen from time to time. BUt if the colts win, its not gonna be that big a deal to me. Im just happy they got in the playoffs in the first place. But if they could make it to the Superbowl, yeah, that would be pretty awesome. And they can do it. Just gonna take a little work & a lot of rushing the ball. Maybe a few miracles by Flacco. But Rice is gonna have to come up BIG. In other games, I see all the other top seeds winning. Not without a lot of work though. my picks: Chargers, Saints, Vikings, and Ravens. Just my thoughts on it though.
Also I gotta hit the fact that school has started back for me, my last semester. THANK GOD! Can't thank God enough for getting me this far. I can only do so much. Passing a few of the classes I did took a miracle. And I got some. Just hope I haven't used them all up. Looks like I might need a few already. I don't think I wil need a miracle to pass everything this time, but just the help to get to the end. This last semester is going to be so jam packed, I can already feel it. But bring it on, cause there ain't nothing I can't accomplish with a little help. That has been proven constantly.
Well I am out peeps. Hit me up and give me some ideas on things to ramble on for next time. Send me a shout either in my email at of follow me on twitter at So hit me up...
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